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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Why are festivals important in communities?

How can we make good choices?

How and why do people pray?

What does it mean to belong to a Church or Mosque?

Which books and stories are special?


                                    Serenity asks...

How and why do we care for others?     



Children talked about  people we care about.  We talked about how we can show that we care for each other.  

We wrote about the people we care about and used the hands to make a 'care tree'.




Chestnut class listened to stories about 'caring'.  After reading the story 'Can't you sleep little bear', they wrote how they show they care and the things they might do or say to let their friends and family know they care


KS1 have been learning about the ways special events are celebrated and that different events are special to different people.  A celebration in the Christian calendar is  Harvest festival.

The children talked about  how our food is grown in the fields and discussed how the growing process begins in spring when the seeds are first planted.  'Harvest' is the time that the crops have grown and  they can be collected for us to eat.  This is something to be  grateful for, so Christians celebrate this special time and give thanks to God for the food we have. 

The children have been busy looking at and drawing some vegetables that have been harvested for us to eat, making bread and  learning harvest songs to perform in our Harvest Festival assembly. 

Chestnut class also looked at how different festivals and special events are celebrated, looking at Christmas, birthdays, Eid and Easter.

We made a web of thanks and thought about the things we are thankful for! 

KS1 have been learning about the Christian festival Easter.   They have found out about the meaning of lent  and discussed ways that they could 'Turn over a new leaf'.  They explored the events of Good Friday as well as Palm Sunday.  They used drama and recreated the parade, and shouted 'Hosanna' to show their joy and excitement for Jesus. 


Children in Cherry class found out about Holy Week 

Cherry class found out that Lent is a very important time for Christians.  They  learnt that Christians give something up for the period of Lent in the lead up to Easter, so shared ideas of what they might give up. 

KS1 have been exploring the question "How is new life welcomed?"


They looked at how people celebrate new life.  Cherry Class had their own baptism after finding out about the special traditions and ceremonies.  










KS1  recreated the parable of the two builders, they used stone and sand then water for the storm.

The children then wrote speech bubbles showing what they thought the wise and foolish builder might say.

KS1 have listened and talked about the story of 'The Good Samaritan'. They talked about what happened in the story and then sequenced pictures to help them remember the events in the story. Then came the  discussion  - they thought about the different  people in the story and what they thought Jesus might be trying to tell Christians to do.

KS1 have been learning about the meaning of Christmas and why Christians celebrate it.  They made the link between the work they were doing to create their nativity to perform to parents and the Christmas story.  They talked about and drew pictures showing where Jesus was born.

KS1 have been learning about the Christmas story.  They used the traditional Christmas party game  'pass the parcel' to help them do this.  In each  layer  of the parcel, there was a different picture.  At every layer. their teacher,  Miss Dicks used the picture to tell them the next part of the story.

KS1  have been finding out  about the Islam community.  They talked about  the special place the mosque and why this is a place of importance to Muslims.

KS1 have been exploring events which are celebrated in different faiths.  They asked themselves the question - How and why do we celebrate special events?

Blossom class looked at Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light.

They talked about the Hanukkah Menorah, the special candle holder and made one themselves using paper.



Chestnut Class have been talking about the approach to Christmas. They learned that this time is called 'Advent'

They know advent is what Christians call their countdown to Christmas.  They collected green leaves and berries to make wreaths and made candles to add to them, writing on their significance  and the reason they are lit. 

Blossom class have been talking about their own experiences of Christmas. They then found out about ways other people around the world celebrate and made comparisons.