We are so excited to welcome you all back after your half term holiday! We are learning all about celebrations this half term and how people celebrate. We will be learning about weddings, birthdays, Diwali and Christmas!! We hope you are all very excited!
Get your voices ready for our Nativity too. We will be performing it in December and are really excited for our Mummys and Daddys to come and watch us.
Please make sure all children have a warm coat and wellies every day as we will be outside and the weather is starting to get a lot colder. Thank you.
Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes
This week in Nursery we have learnt all about the celebration of Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes.
We have talked about our experiences of bonfires and if we had been to a firework display. We pretended to build our own bonfire and toasted marshmallows on our fire. It was so much fun!

Then we made firework biscuits by mixing together some icing sugar and decorating them with firework patterns. We used lots of different colours. Our favourite thing to do was to make 3D rockets. We used collage material and decorated them with glitter and sequins.
We also did lots of painting and exploring different textures. We had 'create your own rocket' in our small world area which we all played with all the time. We also practised writing our names on rockets and these have been put on our fantastic fireworks display!

This week in Nursery we have been learning all about Diwali and the festival of light. We have read a story called lighting a lamp to learn more about the celebration and we have loved making lots of different things.
Our favourite was the diva lamp. We made salt dough then moulded it to create a shallow dish. We then let it dry and decorated it the next day with bright colours and glitter. We then took them home and put a tea light in the middle.

We also made a delicious curry using fresh vegetables. We first counted all of the ingredients to make sure we were getting it right then we made the curry and tasted it. It was delicious!

We had a special treat from an Indian Bollywood dancer who came in and showed us some moves. We absolutely loved it and got to practise the flower and the elephant. We have loved learning all about Diwali this week.
We also made Diwali lanterns. We used our scissor skills to cut strips into a piece of paper and then decorated it. We then opened it out and stuck it together to make a lantern. We loved making these and learning about why Hindus decorate their houses with lights.

Kipper's Birthday!
This week in Nursery we have been learning all about Birthday celebrations. We have read the story 'Kipper's Birthday' and held our own party for the Nursery toys. We have used our cutting skills to cut out a birthday cake and we have even written an invitation inviting our friends to our own 'imaginary' party! it has been so much fun!
We loved balloon painting with our favourite colours. Our teacher blew the balloon up for us then we dipped it in some paint and made a repeating pattern on the paper. Some of us chose to do yellow then blue and repeat and it gave a really lovely pattern on the paper. It was lots of fun and we loved learning about the different colours and what pattern we could make.

The Scarecrow's Wedding

We also baked and decorated our own wedding cakes using icing and sprinkles! This was so much fun. We loved baking and experimenting with different toppings for our cakes. We also designed our own wedding dresses using collage materials and then said why we liked our dress.
One of our favourite things to do was the wedding photo booth. We had loads of props and a background, then we used our photography skills to take photos of our friends using different funny props! We loved the lips and the glasses the best. We would love to go to a real wedding one day if they are this much fun!
It's Christmas in Nursery!! We have enjoyed learning about lots of different celebrations this half term but we are even more excited to be celebrating Christmas with our Nativity and Christmas parties! We have also made lots of exciting decorations to bring home to hang on our trees!
Our favourite thing to do this week was the winter string painting. We had to dip a piece of string into some paint. This is very good for our fine motor skills. We then laid the string out on a piece of paper and made a beautiful pattern. Have a look at some of our artwork below.

Christmas Post Office!!
Our favourite thing to do this week has been the Christmas Post Office. We are so lucky to have a post office role play. We wrote letters to Santa and stuck stamps on the envelopes. We also have a till and can sell stamps and cards to our customers. We even have a post box where we can post letters. Its so much fun!

Christmas is coming...
This week the children got very excited as they wrote a letter to Santa. They talked about what they would like to find under the Christmas tree. They used their name tags to support writing their names and held the pencils beautifully. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that he comes to visit!

We looked at lots of pictures of Father Christmas then we chose the correct colours to paint him. We did some brilliant paintings that really looked like Santa.
We also looked at different sized boxes and weighed them so we could say which was the heaviest and which was the lightest. We made a prediction before we weighed them to guess which would be the heaviest. Some of us managed to get it right! We then put them in order. We loved doing this as we then went into the post office and tried to weigh the different parcels ourselves.