Thursday 7th Jan
Today in maths, we will be looking multiplying 2-digit numbers. We will look at different methods on how to do this and you can then experiment and decide which works best for you. Once we have done the In Focus and Let's Learn together on the live lesson, you will carry out your guided practice, workbook and journaling questions that are underneath. You can either do this on paper or on an electronic device, whichever is easiest for you. Then, you can ask your parents to email a picture of your work to me and I will give you feedback.
Children's work- Amelia Weston and Cooper Haney
Guided reading:
Today in guided reading, we will be looking at our prediction skills from the big 10. We have got prediction Pip to help us with this so that we don't forget to use the text when making predictions. On the live lesson, we will practice making a prediction together and then you will read the extract from 'Iron Man' and make a prediction about the text from chapter 2. There is another example attached if you need extra practice. You can either do this on paper or on an electronic device, whichever is easiest for you. Then, you can ask your parents to email a picture of your work to me and I will give you feedback.
Children's work- Amelia Weston and Caleb Ballantyne
We have now looked at features of setting description in our genre lesson. From this, you are going to imagineer that you are landing on a plane in New York and write a setting description about this. Ensure that you include all the features of this genre and use the success criteria underneath. You can either do this on paper or on an electronic device, whichever is easiest for you. Then, you can ask your parents to email a picture of your work to me and I will give you feedback.
Examples of expanded noun phrases
Children's work- Ellie Houlgate and Skyler McVittie
After improving your map skills in geography yesterday, you are now going to focus on plotting on a 4-grid reference map using the presentations to help you. There is a 4-grid reference map of New York attached underneath that you will complete after looking through the presentations. Think about using a key to explain what your images mean and what you are going to plot on your map. You can either do this on paper or on an electronic device, whichever is easiest for you. Then, you can ask your parents to email a picture of your work to me and I will give you feedback.