Editing Lessons
Blossom Editing Lesson
The children in Blossom class completed an editing lesson where they focused on adding capital letters, full stops and adjectives.
Oak Editing Lesson
An editing lesson removing unnecessary adjectives, parts that are repetitive and parts that don't fit with the genre.
Rowan Editing Lesson
An editing lesson reading three different setting descriptions, highlighting the key features and ordering them. Then creating a success criteria for writing their own setting descriptions.
Willow Editing Lesson
Editing lesson looking at the appropriate use of relative clauses. Active learning to find the correct relative clause to match the rest of the sentence. Use of this to remove and improve relative clauses from a piece of writing in context to the adventure.
Sycamore Editing Lesson
An editing lesson looking at a WAJOLL (What a jumbled one looks like). Re-ordered the paragraph into a more logical and cohesive order. Adding new openers to create more flow.
Willow Editing Lesson
An editing lesson looking at a WAGOLL. Children had to pretend to be the teacher and find the good features and label them.
Willow Editing Lesson
An editing lesson improving a WABOLL. Children were given a basic setting description and had to use the descriptosaurus and word mats to include better vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structures.
Oak editing lesson
The children were given two adverts selling a purse (linked to their piece of writing that week). They had to spot the difference between the two and find good parts in both.
Mulberry editing lesson
The children focused on two different skills: improvement and removal.