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Westwood Primary School

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Summer 2 - The Abominables


We kick started off our adventure by beginning to read the opening to 'The Abominables' where we found ourselves in the middle of the Himalayas!


 In Geography, we began by looking at the 7 summits across the world which we located on a map and then looked at what a mountain is. 

Within our Writing, we wrote a diary entry as the character Lady Agatha. We imagined that we had been kidnapped by the yetis and taken to their secret home deep amongst the mountainous Himalayas. 

Within Science, we began our new topic of 'rocks'. We began by looking at the key vocabulary we would be using throughout this half term and highlighted our spotlight language. 

We firstly explored different rock types, seeing if we could identify the names of any. We thought about their properties and whether or not any could be grouped together based on similarities.

We then completed our own investigation, testing to see which rocks were permeable and which were impermeable. 

Here are our results:

Within our next Geography lesson, we focused on the features of a mountain. 

For our next piece of Writing, we wrote a setting description of our surroundings in the Himalayas. We focused on including expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and commas in a list.