Speed Sound Pictures
In nursery we begin to introduce children to the pictures which support the teaching of letter/speech sounds.
So far we have learnt these pictures and letter sounds.
The first sound you hear when saying the name of the picture
e.g apple mountain umbrella is the letter sound being taught.
Show your child these pictures regularly, help them to say the words of any pictures they are unsure of.
Here is another picture and letter sound to learn.
On this picture card we have a jack-in-a-box.
Look at the other pictures that begin with the sound
j j j
Can you see the jelly, jam, juice, jigsaw, cat jumping?
Say the words, listen for the 'j' sound at the start of each word.
Here is a new picture and letter sound to learn.
On this picture card we have a robot, look at other pictures that begin with the sound rrr.
Can you see the rabbit, rainbow, robot, rocket?
Say the words, listen for the 'r' sound at the start of each word.