Wednesday 6th January
Wednesday 6th January 2021
You were all brilliant at using Teams yesterday so I'm looking forward to getting going properly today. We'll also be getting to see the children in school today, who are working with Mr Frankland. Please remember to login on Teams at 9am, 10.30am and 1pm
Guided Reading (10.30am)
Listen to me reading voice 1 of Voices in the park (I'll do it on the live lesson and upload it here too). Follow the slides below to remind us of the skill of inference and look at my example of the pages in the book. Then, have a go at doing the speech bubbles for the scene where mum is sat on the bench. How do both of the characters feel and how do you know? Think about their facial expressions and the background of the picture.
Adventure (anytime)
Look at the PowerPoint below about Skyscrapers. Have a look at the pictures and then watch my video below where I have designed and labelled my own skyscraper. Then, I'd like you to have a go at designing one. Later this week, you'll then be making it on Purplemash!
Writing (1pm)
In the live lesson, I'll be reading you some example setting descriptions and we'll be looking at the adjectives in it. Then, there is a little activity for you to complete about building expanded noun phrases. Then, begin to write the first bit of your setting description. Use the pictures and videos below to help you. Don't finish it today - get a few sentences done and check they make sense. Remember handwriting and spellings too!
Maths (9am)
In the live lesson, I will do a generic input about number sequences. Maths will be changing, me and Miss Dibnah are looking at it today, but for today we'll do it this way! After the input, I will explain which sheet you need to do. It is listed below as MATHS and then whoever's group you are in, you need to complete that teacher's sheet (either me, Miss Robertshaw, Mr Hayes or Mrs Thompson)