What’s in the egg?

Hello Nursery!
(Resources: 3 x containers, water, a jug and a scoop)
Today I would like it if you had a look at capacity. So exploring how much water you can put into different containers. You could use anything such as glasses, cups, jugs anything!
Can you watch the two videos below (I had to pause the first one whilst I got some more water!) and have a go at filling the containers full, half full and overflowing?
Good luck!

Capacity 2

Cutting skills
(Resources: scissors, glue or sellotape, paper, colours)
For your second activity, could you have a go at some fine motor skills using scissors? If you can get your adult to draw a picture for you so you don't know what it is. It's going to be a surprise!! I decided to draw a sea scene with fish and the sea water. I then stuck some paper over the top and glued/sellotaped along the bottom and cut some lines down so it looked like the sea.
What I would then like you to do is cut away the water to reveal the picture behind it. It is lots of fun and a huge surprise when you get to see the picture!
Enjoy, and remember to send me some photos of you doing your work!

Dinosaur shapes
(Resources: paper, scissors, colouring pencils or felt tips)
Then, I'd like you to have a go at making a dinosaur using lots of different shapes. You could use triangles, circles, squares and rectangles.
If you have a printer at home there is an activity on a website called twinkl. If you follow the link below then print it off you can make your own shape dinosaur.
Don't worry if you don't have a printer at home as you can make your own. Ask your adult to cut out some different shapes and then you can stick them onto a piece of paper in the shape of your favourite dinosaur. Maybe you could use triangles for the spikes on a dinosaurs back or rectangles for the legs. You could even give your dinosaur spots on his back using circles. I cannot wait to see what you make!

Art Project
As you know each half term we choose 2 pieces of Art work to be displayed in the Westwood art gallery. Miss Geater, our Art Leader does not want the children to miss out on this opportunity so she has asked for you to complete a piece of Art at home.
Can you draw a dinosaur using anything you like? You could use crayons, felt tip pens, colouring pencils, you could even use different materials and glitter if you have some! Use anything you like and be as creative as you like! Enjoy!

Story time