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Tuesday 5th January

As you know the theme for our  planned learning for this half term is called 'Dinosaur Discovery'   This week we are enjoying the story 'Meg's Eggs'  .

Watch the story on youtube and talk about it with a grown up. 


Meg's Eggs


Please watch the story several times so that your child becomes familiar with the story.

Talk about what is happening at different points in the story. 

Can your child talk about their favourite bit of the story?

What did Mog and Owl want for breakfast?


What did Meg put in her magic spell?


How did Meg, Mog and Owl  try to get into the big eggs?

What was the noise that woke them up in the night?


What hatched out of the egg? 

Tell me what happened when the other two eggs began to crack open.


What did stegosaurus  like to eat?


Which dinosaur is fierce? 

What does Meg do at the end of the story?


What happens to the great  big dinosaurs?

Counting fingers

A great way to practice counting and using numbers in the right order is to use our fingers. 

Start off by closing all finger and showing a fist, then have  a go at saying the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 in order lifting up one finger at a time until all 5 are  showing.  Have a go at this a few times and if you can do it really well, then carry on counting with your fingers.  1,2,3,4,5...   what comes next?    6,7,8,9,and 10!

It's quite tricky lifting your fingers 1 at a time but keep trying.  

Days of the week

One of the things we do each day in nursery when we gather together for carpet time is sing this 'Days of the week' song.  So here it is for your child to join in with at home.  We say the names of the days and work out what day it is today.    Yesterday was Monday so today is.... Tuesday! 

Days of the Week clap clap! to the tune of the Addams Family