15/9/23 - Porchia Last
22/9/23 - Charlie Norton
28/09/23 - Tilly Gudgeon
5/10/23 - Tyreece Whitley
12/10/23 - Charlie Green
19/10/23 - Freddy Desvignes
26/10/23 - Ellie-Mae Hartley
9/11/23 - Nevaeh Herbert
16/11/23 - Scarlett Thorpe
23/11/23 - Ayden So
30/11/23 - Josie-Leigh Marshall
7/12/23 - Abbie Burdon
14/12/23 - Sienna Barry
22/12/23 - Lillie Curran
11/1/24 - Tisha Kakunguwo
18/1/24 - Boux Fella
25/1/24 - Isla-Mae Benson
1/2/24 - Lilly Mae Tosney
8/2/24 - Isla Cockcroft
22/2/24 - Tilly Iddison
29/2/24 - Bailey Harrison
7/3/24 - Taylor Mitchell
14/3/24 - Olivia Rose Spencer
21/3/24 - Jacob Egan
28/3/24 - Melanija Koslovska
18/4/24 - Scarlett Thorpe
24/4/24 - Lilly Mae Tosney
2/5/24 - Tyreece Whitley
16/5/24 - Xavier Mead
23/5/24 - Lenny-Jo Mitchell
6/6/24 - Porchia Last
13/6/24 - Jacob Egan
20/6/24 - Alfie Bolas
27/6/24 - Taylor Mitchell
4/7/24 - Lenny-Jo Mitchell
11/7/24 - Isla-Mae Benson
15/9/23 - Isla Cockroft - Rule of Law
22/9/23 - Josie-Leigh Marshall - Democracy
28/9/23 - Lilie Curran - Mutual Respect
5/10/23 - Isla-Mae Benson - Rule of Law
12/10/23 - Porchia Last - Individual Liberty
19/10/23 - Scarlett Thorpe - Individual Liberty
26/10/23 - Lenny-Jo Mitchell - Mutual Respect
9/11/23 - Tisha Kakunguwo - Democracy
16/11/23 - Xavier Mead - Rule of Law
23/11/23 - Charlie Green - Tolerance
30/11/23 - Nevaeh Herbert - Rule of Law
7/12/23 - Ellie-Mae Hartely - Mutual Respect
14/12/23 - Jacob Egan - Individual Liberty
22/12/23 - Boux Fella - Mutual respect
11/1/24 - Freddy Desvignes - Tolerance
19/1/24 - Sienna Barry - Rule of Law
25/1/24 - Melanija Koslovska - Mutual Respect
1/2/24 - Ayden So - Democracy
8/2/24 - Tilly Gudgeon - Individual Liberty
22/2/24 - Taylor Mitchell - Mutual Respect
29/2/24 - Olivia-Rose Spencer - Rule of Law
7/3/24 - Abbie Burden - Mutual Respect
14/3/24 - Alfie Bolas - Individual Liberty
21/3/24 - Tyreece Whitley - Democracy
28/3/24 - Porchia Last - Mutual Respect
18/4/24 - Tilly Iddison - Rule of Law
25/4/24 - Charlie Norton - Mutual Respect
2/5/24 - Xavier Mead - Individual Liberty
16/5/24 - Olivia-Rose Spencer - Individual Liberty
23/5/24 - Lilly Mae Tosney - Individual Liberty
6/6/24 - Tisha Kakunguwo - Tolerance
13/6/24 - Lenny-Jo Mitchell - Individual Liberty
20/6/24 - Scarlett Thorpe - Democracy
27/6/24 - Lilie Curran - Individual Liberty
4/7/24 - Ellie-Mae Hartely - Tolerance
11/7/24 - Charlie Green - Rule of Law
Autumn 1 - Charlie Green
Autumn 2 - Josie Leigh Marshall
Spring 1 - Ayden So
Spring 2 - Nevaeh Herbert
Summer 1 - Scarlett Thorpe
Summer 2 - Porchia Last