Useful links:
Times Tables: Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (
BBC bitesize: Games - KS1 Maths - BBC Bitesize
Top Marks: Learn to Count with fun Counting Games for KS1 Children (
Place Value
We have been looking at place value and working out how many tens and ones a number has. We have also been comparing numbers by looking at their tens and seeing which number has a greater amount.

We looked at how to add 2 numbers together. We used number lines, 100 squares, number bond diagrams and column method to help us.

We have been multiplying by grouping equally and using our timestables.

We looked at how to divide by sharing and making equal groups. We then learnt to use our multiplication facts to work out the fact familes.

We looked at the value of different coins and ordered them. We then began to look at counting money. We started by counting notes and then moved on to counting coins.

We then added coins and notes together. We made different amounts using our coins and notes.

We then began to look at different ways to make the same amount.
We started to look at shapes. We had to describe them to our partner using mathematical language. We then focused on sides and found out hay quadrilaterals have 4 sides.

We then started to look at what a polygon was. We were given a picture of polygons and a picture of non polygons. We had to work out what a polygon was! We noticed polygons all have straight sides. We then grouped our shapes into polygons and non polygons.