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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Important information


Cherry will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. PE kit consists of: 

- White T-Shirt (With or without the school logo)

- Green hoodie 

- Black shorts or black jogging bottoms

-Black trainers


Homework & Reading Books

Homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Thursday. Homework will consist of one piece of maths and one piece linking to another subject. Reading books are sent home on a Friday and we ask that they are returned on a Monday when the children will be given a new book, to be returned Thursday. It is so important that your child reads at home, so please do encourage them to do so. Please can you sign their reading records so we can see how they are doing at home too.



Spellings are given for the half term in their spelling books. These books do not need to be returned with homework each week. Spellings can be practiced in different ways at home and this does not need to be recorded in their green books if you have fun ways of learning them at home. Spelling tests will be every Friday.