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Computer and E-Safety Policy




Computer and E-Safety








  • Teaching and Learning
  • Search Engine



Teaching and Learning


As professionals, we believe it is vital that teaching and learning experiences are exciting and relevant. Our Computing planning will contain a mixture of focus areas and opportunities to enhance other subjects through cross curricular links. Therefore, computing opportunities will be evident through all areas of study.  We will inspire children to learn by offering quality first hand experiences and will focus on a skills based approach to enable learners to become independent, life-long learners in a changing world.



  1. the pupils at Westwood Primary School will become safe, confident and independent users of Computing, allowing them to enhance their understanding and experiences of all areas of the curriculum. It will also equip them to continue learning in a rapidly changing, technological world
  2. we believe that the internet provides many benefits to both school and pupils and we teach children how to use it safely and well. Benefits include: communication, educational resources, staff professional development opportunities and administrative tools



  1. to meet the requirements of the Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum
  2. computing is used to support problem solving and learning across the curriculum
  3. to promote the enjoyment and benefits of Computing
  4. to use the Internet appropriately and safely, protecting the pupils from undesirable content through education and systems
  5. for children, parents, staff, governors and the wider community to have increased access to information through Computing



  • the requirements of the Foundation Stage and National Curriculums are met
  • computing is used throughout the curriculum
  • pupils are enthusiastic about Computing and are keen to improve
  • pupils access the Internet safely and know what to do if there is a problem
  • information is distributed electronically where this is appropriate and possible
  • to help children to become effective and independent learners


Curriculum coverage and progression

  1. teachers can access planning from the Purple Mash website.
  2. each unit to be taught discretely for 6-8 weeks in a designated half term. Other Computing lessons to be used to deliver cross-curricular opportunities.



  1. teacher observations, summative and formative assessment informs future planning
  2. progress is assessed using teachers assessments and forwarded to subject leaders
  3. all children will be assessed termly and levels will be inputted to the school data tracking system
  4. information is shared with appropriate stakeholders (through display, events, newsletters, reports and the school website)




  1. regular monitoring of all aspects of Computing informs the subject and, in turn, the School Evaluation and Improvement Plan
  2. e-safety incidents are recorded separately and reviewed frequently by the Computing Leader


Learning styles and the learning environment

  1. children use laptop trolleys in classrooms
  2. medium term planning and teaching takes account of differentiation
  3. medium term planning takes account of progression
  4. open questions will be developed to challenge children’s thinking and learning
  5. independent learners will have access to a variety of resources and encouraged to reflect on the choices that they have made


Early years

  1. children will have Computing experiences indoors, outdoors and through role play in both child initiated and teacher directed time



  1. positive use of technology will be promoted by all
  2. children’s individual needs will be addressed through provision of resources, learning styles and questioning. In a number of cases, Computing will be used to support children with specific medical needs, allowing them greater access to the curriculum


Equal opportunities

  1. all learners have the opportunity to develop their Computing capability, irrespective of gender, race, religion, culture and/or ability


Liaison and transfer between settings

  1. children’s attainment in Computing is shared with teachers in each setting
  2. levels will be assessed and recorded each term and stored on the school’s data tracking system


Home, school and community links

  1. computing developments and achievements are shared and a positive relationship fostered with home, school and the wider community. Specifically, this is promoted by teachers through the School website.



  1. resources are purchased and deployed effectively to meet the requirements of the Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum.
  2. old equipment is removed from the inventory and disposed of safely, including the removal of data from machines where required using an accredited company


Roles and responsibilities

  1. the Curriculum Leader is responsible for monitoring curriculum coverage and the impact of learning and teaching
  2. all stakeholders will work together to ensure the implementation of the Computing policy


Health and safety

  1. equipment is maintained to the meet agreed safety standards



  1. the policy will be reviewed by the Computing Leader and Leadership team at agreed intervals.  Alterations will be shared with all stakeholders


Search Engine Policy



At Westwood Primary School we are committed to using Computing to enhance teaching and learning in a safe manner. Searching the internet is part of the National Curriculum and now part of everyday life. With our present Internet provider, we have an external firewall that is continually monitored to prevent access to unwanted material for both staff and students. At present the staff have a greater level of access than the children based on their windows login profile. We understand that there will be occasions when some material will get through the filtering. However, it is important that we teach children how to search safely on the Internet and so we follow the following procedures. Children use a safe search engine, when searching the internet.



  • children may not use the internet unsupervised in school
  • staff must log out when not using their PC
  • every time, before the internet is used, teachers should reinforce appropriate safe search messages. Teachers should regularly describe what to do if a problem arises, until they are confident the children know how to respond
  • children are taught to use detailed and specific search terms to get better results and reduce risk
  • if children see an inappropriate image, they turn off their screens and put their hands up
  • importantly, children should be warned of the specific, additional risks of clicking on an inappropriate image or link, i.e., that it can take them to an unpleasant website
  • if an inappropriate image is accessed, the teacher will determine whether it was found accidentally. If the child accessed the image deliberately, their parents will be informed. If the image is accessed accidentally, the teacher will make the computing lead aware.
  • if a child is upset or distressed by anything they see on the internet, parents will always be informed in writing or in person
  • if the image is very unpleasant, the teacher may decide to take more detailed notes so it can be investigated. The named e-safety person should be informed as soon as possible.
  • children will not be allowed to search for videos or access youtube online.
  • governors will be informed about any serious e-safety incidents as appropriate
  • we will continue to monitor and review our use of search engines