Adventure 2: Time Travelling Ted
Time Travelling Ted

Ben was given 50p to spend at the next car boot sale. He needed to keep his eyes peeled for posters for the next sale. We decided to have our own car boot sale and sell the toys we don't play with anymore. We wrote adverts for our amazing sale.

Ben is wandering through a car boot sale, looking for the perfect toy. His mum has given him 50p but he can’t seem to afford anything. He hasn’t seen anything that has caught his eye apart from a lonely looking teddy bear. A slightly worn and battered bear sat on the back of the table longing for someone to love him. Ben knows that he could be the person to love this lost bear back to life. Sold! Sam is now the proud owner of Ted.
When Ben picked up Ted he was all squashed. We decided to find out how we could change the shape of a solid object by twisting, stretching, bending and squashing them. We then reported back to Ben how he could change the shape of Ted.

Ben was worried that the toys back in his bedroom was be mean to Ted as he was old and looked different. We write a description of Ted to let the other toys know what he looked like.
We then thought about the different toys at the car boot sale and if they were toys form the past or present. We took pictures on our way round the sale and then discussed if they were old or new based on what they looked like, what they were made from and how they worked.

On the way back to Ben's house Ted began to think about his old owner, Anna. He started to day dream about what his new owner would be like. We wrote in Ted's diary.
We then looked in Ted's diary to see what he had written himself. We looked through it and helped him to edit his punctuation.

When they arrived back home, Ted was taken to Sam’s bedroom. The other toys look over at Ted, wondering who he was and where he had come from. They asked Ted lot of questions but Ted didn't know. The other toys noticed that Ted looked sad. They all knew where they had originated from but he didn't. Suddenly Barbie remembered an app she had seen on her iPad. A time travelling app which allows users to travel back in time! This would allow Ted to go back in time to see where he has come from!
We looked at designing the logo for the time travelling app. we looked at the work of Salvador Dali and how he created clocks that looked like they were melting. We used this for inspiration.
Ted and Barbie arrive in a Nintendo Wii, in the middle of a Mario Kart game in 2006. They land in the middle of the race track and nearly get run over by Bowser! They decided to write a description of where they were so that robot back home could tell them where they were.

Ted and Barbie realise that this is definitely not the right place for where Ted has come from as he doesn’t need a controller! Robot tells them to ask Yoshi how to get out of the game. We wrote him a letter asking him questions. He said that in order to escape the game they must win the game!

We needed to design super fast cars that would win this race!
We needed our cars to be fast on all surfaces. We tested to see what the cars would do when driving along different surfaces. We then thought about how we could make our car faster on these.

To get out of the game Yoshi told us lots of tricks that we could do. We all ran the race and we won! We wrote a recount to tell the toys at home how we managed it.

We thought about what we could make our cars from and then designed what we wanted it to look like.
We created our own cars to race in and then tested them on the track.
Ted and Barbie travelled to a toy shop. They saw rows of teddies and were excited when all of a sudden an evil Furby pushed the teddies off the shelf onto Ted. Barbie decided to ask a range of questions, testing to see which bear was the real one. She managed to narrow it down to two bears, with only the hug test left to complete. Finally, she had found Ted – the straw filled bear. Ted and Barbie saw lots of toys in the shop that they had never seen before. They asked us to do some research on toys from the past to help them identify the toys, what they were made from and how old they were.
Disheartened, they decided to time travel once again. They landed in a carpark filled with cars from 1984. The exact same car park that hosted the car boot that Ted was bought by Sam. Unexpectedly the cars began to transform and a dance battle commenced between the decepticons and the auto-bots! The weather was terrible and Ted and Barbie had to run for cover (and safety!). We needed to make the toy and umbrella so that they could watch the battle and help the toys. We had to test the properties of different materials to work out which would be best to make an umbrella out of.

We then created our umbrellas out of the appropriate materials. We decided we needed to make it out of something flexible but strong, waterproof and transparent. We thought that we could use metal for the handle (pipe cleaners) and a strong plastic for the top.

All of a sudden they were transported to an arcade back in 1976. They looked around the arcade that was filled with grabbers and penny slot machines, again wondering whether this could be where Ted was from. The saw so many different arcade games, they asked us to help them figure out how to play each game. We matched the game to its instructions.

BANG BANG! They looked up to find a pet rock banging on the glass of a slot machine. Help! Ted and Barbie again abandon the real reason they were there, feeling that they must help the pet rock escape. Barbie used the last of her savings to change into 1ps. Ted and Barbie did not give up until they managed to win the pet rock, helping him escape the machine! To keep Pet Rock company in the future we decided to make her some friends!
Clicking the transport app they began to time travel again, suddenly they landed in a pile of freezing snow. What year. In the distance they saw a figure sitting in the snow it was Mr potato head! They realised that his eyes were missing! Eventually they came across a strange room that iswasfilled with Elves creating things. There in the corner of the room were Mr potato head’s eyes – finally he could see where he was going again! Mr potato head asked Ted to go over to an elf called Buddy and to watch what he was making. We imagined that we were Buddy the elf and we had to make teddies in a workshop.