Wednesday 24th February
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
Today, we're going to check your understanding of the parts of the book we have read so far and have a go at answering a few comprehension questions about the first 2 chapters. Remember to answer in full sentences and get evidence from the text to back up your ideas!!
The Bucket family live in a small wooden house on the edge of a great town.
Life was uncomfortable for the Bucket family because they didn’t have many things. I know this because in the story it says that the house wasn’t nearly large enough for so many people and that there were only 2 rooms in the place altogether.
Roald Dahl introduces his characters by just telling us their name. He doesn’t go into lots of detail about who the characters are and what the characters look like. For example, he tells us Mr Bucket’s parents are called Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine but nothing else. I think this means he might go into more detail about each character later in the story.
Adventure - anytime
Today we're going to have a look at computer mapping. We're going to use Google Maps and Google Earth. On the PowerPoint below, it shows you how to use both of the softwares and then you need to look at the coordinates below. These show longitude and latitude of different landmarks in Scotland. On Google Maps, you need to type these coordinates in and see where it takes you. Find the landmark and write it in the table. Then, you could switch to satellite and have a look at a birds eye view of the landmark, and then if you go to the little yellow man at the bottom you can go on a street view. Have a look around, what similarities can you see between the different landmarks in Scotland? You could take some screenshots once you have worked out what each landmark is.
Handwriting and spelling - anytime
Click the link below to get to today's handwriting and spelling activity.
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
Yesterday, we wrote the introduction to our invitation to give our recipient the key information about where they need to go and when. It was a brief overview into the event and now we're going to write the main paragraph which goes into a few more specific details about the event. Again, use the newspaper article from the book below to help you. Below, I have also put some maps of the factory. We need to tell the children now what they are going to do when they get to the factory and for this part, I'd like you to use coordinating conjunctions.
Conjunctions join ideas together and coordinating conjunctions are:
First, complete the SPAG activity which needs you to write some sentences using those conjunctions which you can then put straight into your main paragraph to describe what the children will do on their visit.
Then, write the main paragraph. Use mine below as an idea to show you how to do it. Choose some of the locations on the map and tell the children what they will do there. Be as imaginative as you can and think about what might happen in that particular room!

Your spectacular journey into all things chocolate begins at the huge iron gates to my factory. From there, we will follow lots of secret corridors and doorways to see some magical things.
You will get to see the fantastic chocolate room and sample some of my amazing creations in there.

Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
We're going to continue thinking about the 5 times tables and the different strategies for you to learn them. We'll again have another look at some more representations in the live lesson which I'll put here when it is over. Then, have a go at the workbook pages below and don't forget the daily times table test!