Number and Place Value
In Year One, children start by looking at numbers up to 10: they count to 10; count objects up to 10; count to 0; and order and compare objects up to 10. They also start making number bonds to 10 and thinking about numbers in terms of its tens and ones. For this, they use pictures and begin to use a part part whole model.
Children in Year Two build on their knowledge of place value by partitioning numbers into tens and ones using the part part whole model introduced in Year One. First they use base ten before moving onto numerals. With this knowledge, they are able to make number patterns that increase in numbers 9 or less and cross tens.
In Year Three, children's understanding of number and place value extends into the hundreds. Again, they use base ten to partition three-digit numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. They then use this to form number patterns that cross hundreds.
When in Year Four, children's place value knowledge includes thousands. They use place value counters to build four-digit numbers and to partition them. They are able to recognise the value of digits within a number and state which position the digits are in in terms of their place value. Children then use this knowledge to compare four-digit numbers.
In Year Five, children learn about numbers up to 100,000 and 1,000,000. As in previous years, they use place value counters to help them recognise the value of digits or their position within numbers. They learn about real-life uses of these numbers, such as money or populations, and are able to compare them.
Whilst consolidating their knowledge in Year Six, children practise reading and writing seven-digit numbers. They use the greater and less than symbols to compare large numbers, considering the value of each digit. Children also learn about the value of digits in decimal numbers, recognising the position of tenths, hundredths and thousandths digits.