We were looking at materials and talked about the words scrunched, twisted, stretch and bend. We thought about what these meant and then tested out different materials to see if they could do any of those new words we learnt. We wrote our answers down on a tick sheet.
We were off on a material hunt! We we're given a shopping list in our groups of different materials and we had to try and find the items in the classroom. We had lots of fun looking for wood, plastic, rock and water!
We thought about scientific testing and what that means. We looked at materials and thought about which would be the best to make our umbrella out of. We used pipettes to drop water on and see what the end reaction was.
We looked at the season that we are in now. We found out about winter and how we can tell what season it is. We went outside and looked at the trees and used words such as 'naked trees' and 'cold, chilly, snow.'
We then came back into the classroom and made our own winter pictures using tissue paper.