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Westwood Primary School

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Space 2119

In our Space 2119 Adventure, we have become space travel experts and are going to become the first people to offer holidays in space! In order to do this, we need to learn more about the Solar System. We completed a Burn2learn, where we learnt about all the different planets in the Solar System. 

Through imagineering the children were told it was February 2119 and to think about what the world would be like in the future. They were shown pictures of futuristic scenes and had to think about things like clothing, transport, houses and school. They then had to design these 4 aspects and draw a picture of them with a short explanation of each. 


The children were then introduced to Lunar Branson who is the great great great granddaughter of Richard Branson, who yesterday managed to launch a spaceship that could travel to Mars in the same amount of time that it takes us to fly to Spain. As a result, she is now looking to launch a business offering holidays in space and this is where the children come in. It was their job to design a space holiday company, starting with a name and logo. 



The children then wrote a newspaper report about the first tourists landing on MARS. Following on in computing the children created their own postcards from Mars.

The children were then asked the question, "How do day and night occur?" We watched the following clip  that explains about day and night and how it's all down to the Earths rotation on its axis.


Through a burn2learn the children found different facts about the Sun, Earth and Moon that they had to arrange on the diagram. 

During science week, the children carried out an investigation about how shadows change shape and position during the course of the day. They wrote out a plan for their investigation including their predictions and then carried out the experiment at different points in the day. Afterwards they wrote up the results and a conclusion on their findings. 
After learning so much about the Solar system and all the planets, the children were split into groups to create their own model of a chosen planet. Using paper mache, the children created sculptures of the 8 planets. We displayed these in the classroom alongside the rockets the children designed and created.
In writing, the children wrote a report about the solar system using prepositions. 


The children were asked to design their own spacesuit. Before they could so that we needed to look in detail at what a spacesuit can do. We looked at the materials they're made from,  how they regulate the body's temperature in space and how they provide oxygen and water to the astronauts. The children were given a picture of a spacesuit that they had to label with all the different parts which they had to label with the information they had learnt before they could design their own. 




As part of our writing for this adventure the children were asked to write their own story. They had to think about all the things we had done over our adventure: the solar system, the arguments for and against having a space station in Middleton, astronauts and spacesuits. The title the children were given was 'Lost in Space' this idea came from one of the opposing arguments about the space station that it could be dangerous and someone could get lost. The focus for the writing was to use fronted adverbials and all the other writing techniques we have learnt so far: expanded noun phrases, preposition, relative clauses and of course beautiful handwriting with capital letters and full stops. 
The children brought in water bottles, filled them with water and using a special aqua pod, they pumped air into the bottles causing pressure. When this was released it made the bottles fly into the air like rockets. Thank you so much to Wilf's Grandad Dave for coming into school to allow us to carry out this activity.