In today's Maths lesson we are looking at how we can show the same amount of money in different ways. How many ways can we make £5? one note, five coins, 10 coins, more?
GP: Answer the questions on the sheet. Write down the coins you've chosen next to each question.
Workbook sheets: Page 1: Circle the correct amount of money (can be shown in different ways)
Page 2: Show three different ways of showing that amount of money.
Complete the 3x table sheet again but see if this time you can beat your previous time!
Connect ART!
You have a very nice task today, You can either choose to sketch an image of Murph from 'kid normal' and around the image draw anything that shows the connections you have made this week! Underneath there are some pictures of Murph to help you sketch him.
Or you can design a new character to be introduced into the next chapter. Who might Murph meet at his new school? Could it be a new friend? A teacher? It's up to you!
Underneath there is a video you can watch which explains how to draw characters (skip to two minutes).

For today's writing lesson you are going to write your instructions! So far this week you have:
Made delicious American pancakes.
Made notes of the steps you took.
Wrote an introduction including a question.
Wrote a specific 'What you will need' list.
Formed three sentences that use adverbs.
Today's task:
Write your main paragraph (The method). This needs to be in order and use time conjunctions (firstly, next, afterwards, finally).
Underneath is a picture of exactly how you need to structure your writing.
Practice forming the wave letter 'q'.

Muscles and their functions science lesson. Firstly, you need to go through the PowerPoint to learn about the different functions of muscles. Then, you need to choose 3 activities which you think will use your muscles. First, draw the activity, then predict which muscles you'll use by circling them on the body map. Then, complete the exercise and circle the muscles you did actually use.