Spring 2- In my garden
This half term during our adventure, "In My Garden", we will be following Superworm on his search for the most perfect place to live. We will be learning a lot about worms and other mini-beasts through non-fiction texts. We will also look at plants, parts of a plant and how plants grow. Will Superworm find his perfect home? Will we be able to help him?
These are key texts we will be looking at:
- Superworm
- Handa's Surprise
- Oliver's Vegetables
This morning we noticed a muddy shimmering trail around our playground! It led to a parcel…
Who was it from? What could it be?
It was a letter and present from Superworm! He had left us a story to learn more about him and a wormery to build for his smaller friends…
Jaxton then found another note outside and read it to the reception classes. It was from superworm asking us for our help to find a suitable place to live! He said he liked mud and plants. We then went for a nature walk around our school grounds to see if there was anywhere suitable…
We found a few potential spots where we thought Superworm could live in our school grounds. We then looked further at plants...

We discussed parts of a plant. We then looked at these parts on a real plant. The children then labelled diagrams of a plant.

The children loved completing drawings and paintings of plant this week too!
Look at all of our hard work we have done this week about plants!

This week a post card and a story has arrived through the post. Mrs Thorpe brought it through and read it to us.
We discovered Superworm had gone to Kenya and he had sent us a story to read too.
There were a lot of fruit in the story that the children had never seen or tried. We had a look at some of them and got to touch, smell, feel and taste them.

Look at our writing about our favourite fruit!

This week we have also looked at Tinga Art. The children enjoyed creating their own piece of art work inspired by Tinga.

We also listened to African music and played some instruments along to the music. The children loved exploring the sounds the different instruments could make.
This week it was time to make our wormery! Our first job was to go out and find some worms and soil. We knew the worms lived underground so we knew we had to dig!

We learnt a lot of facts about worms this week using non-fiction texts. The children loved learning lots of interesting facts!
Their favourite facts were:
”they can grow a new head if it gets chopped off.”
”they breathe through their skin.”
This week we started our week reading Oliver’s Garden. We decided this sounded like the perfect place for Superworm to live! We then wrote letters to Oliver asking if Superworm could live in his garden.

We then had an exciting trip to Meanwood Valley farm. We enjoyed looking at the animals but we also got to see Oliver’s Garden and all the plants and vegetables growing.
Whilst we wait for his reply, we were interested in trying different flavoured vegetable soups. Some were yummy, whilst others not so much...

Have a look at our writing to see which soups we enjoyed.

We then voted for which soup was our favourite. We collated the data and found out that tomato was the most popular soup. We then followed a recipe to make our own tomato soup! It was yummy!

On Friday, we were very excited! Oliver rung us and we had a video call! We got to ask him lots of questions about himself as well as his garden to see if it would be the perfect home for Superworm.
After our call, we decided collectively that this would be the perfect new home for Superworm.
We then looked at Spring and the changes that happen in Spring. We then went outside to go and see if we could see any of these changes...
The children completed some lovely observational drawings and paintings of daffodils.