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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Star Writer of the Half Term

Autumn 1 
Star writer this term is Sara! She has made lots of progress in her writing by forming her letters on the line and working on her pencil grip. Well done Sara! 

Autumn 2 

Our star writer this half term is Hettie! She has tried so hard with her sentences and her beautiful handwriting! Well done Hettie! 


Spring 1

This half term our star writer is Alfie. Alfie has become independent with his writing and has been working very hard this half term. Well done Alfie, keep up the hard work. 

Spring 2 

This half term Milly got star writer for her beautiful writing. She always challenges herself and tries her best. Well done Milly! 

Summer 1

Our star writer this half term is Oakley. He has impressed me so much this year with the progress he has made and he keeps pushing himself in every lesson. Well done Oakley.