Important Information
School starts at 8.50am. School finishes at 3.20pm for all children.
Both Year 4 and 5 will have PE with Mr Frankland on a Monday morning. Your child will need to bring their PE kit into school on the first day of each half term and keep it in school at the end of each half term to be washed.
Year 4 children will go swimming with Mr Frankland on a Monday morning. Children need to arrive at school with their swimming kit on under their uniform and bring underwear and a towel in a bag.
Please note: swimming does NOT take place the last week before and the first week back after a 2 week half term holiday.
Homework will be sent out on a Friday. This needs to be returned to school the following Tuesday. Children will be given a piece of Adventure homework and a piece of maths homework. The maths homework will be split into 2 sections – Times Table Practice (which could be on Times Table Rockstars) and Problem Solving.
Your child is either in Mr Cooper’s Spelling Group or Mrs Wilson’s Spelling Group. Spellings will be sent out on a Friday and will work on a 2 week cycle. Spellings will be tested twice – each Thursday, and new spellings will be sent home every other Friday. See below for some strategies your child uses in spelling lessons in school which they could do at home:
Reading books
Reading books will be sent home on a Friday. These need to be returned on a Tuesday. Children who do not read or do not bring in their book on a Tuesday will miss their break on a Tuesday to catch up. Reading at home is extremely important and will help your child in all areas of their learning.
Multiplication Table Check – June 2022
In June 2022, Year 4 children will be completing the new Statutory Multiplication Table Check. This is an online test where children answer 25 multiplication table questions up to 12x12. There is a strict time limit on each question before it moves onto the next one. All year, we will be having a big push on times tables in Oak Class. Every Friday afternoon, we will have a 50 minute Times Table Lesson where children will get to practice the format of the test on Ipads and play fun games to learn their times tables. Times tables will also be incorporated into maths lessons as well as our weekly times table test and weekly maths homework will always have a times table emphasis. It is really important that your child practises their times table at home as well as in school.