Monday 8th February
Monday 8th February 2021
We're at the end of the half term now - 1 more week to go! I know the children are exhausted, but let's keep going for one final week and then we'll all have a lovely well deserved week off. The outline for today and all resources can be found below.
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
This week, we're looking at Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes and everyday we're going to focus on a different rhyme from the book. Today, we're going to do the children's classic of Little Red Riding Hood - but it's a Roald Dahl Revolting Rhyme, so it won't be as you expect! In the live lesson, we'll read the poem together and think about what some of the words and lines mean. Then, below, there are some questions for you to answer which use your retrieval, inference and prediction skills.
Geography - anytime
As we come to the end of our America adventure, it's time to return back to the UK and think about everything we have learnt about America. Today, you're going to think about some of the human and physical features of both the UK and USA. Below, you'll find definitions of each type of geography. The first task is to look at the different cards for North America and the UK. You need to think which are physical landmarks (have always been there) and which are human landmarks (made by man). On the sheet, you need to write a definition of each type of geography and then record the different landmarks in the correct box on the sheet.
Spelling and Handwriting - anytime
Click below to go to the handwriting page to watch today's exercise. Follow along, complete the attached sheets and return them to me!
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
Today, we're going to finish and edit our stories. In the live lesson, we'll recap what happened at the end of the story and then we'll talk about how we can finish the story to make it interesting. When the man and woman are finally brought together at the end, I want you to include some direct speech between the 2 characters. We'll recap the rules and practice them in the live lesson, then you need to complete the sheet below by thinking about what the characters might say and then turn it into direct speech following all of the sandwich rules!
Then, finish writing your story.
Once you’ve finished writing, go right back to the start and read your work to yourself, then to someone at home (or in school).
•Have you included:
•Descriptions of the characters andsettings?
•Capital letters and full stops?
•Fronted adverbials to start sentences?
•Interesting adjectives?
•All of the parts of the story?
•Direct speech at the end?
•A nice ending which wraps the story up nicely?
If any of this is missing, make sure you add it in – ideally in a different colour and then send itme!
Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
My group are today moving on to bar modelling. You can watch a video below of me reminding you what we did in the live lesson. A bar model is a way to represent a problem and is a really clear way to show what we know, what we need to know and then that helps us to find out what we need to do next. We'll go through lots in the live lesson, then you guys need to have a go at the sheet below to practice interpreting and building bar models.