Monday 1st March
We are going to continue with subtracting fractions today as I think we need more practice. I have come up with some questions where you will need to convert whole numbers into fractions first before subtracting a fraction from it. During the live lesson, we will go through some examples together. Then there are some questions on the last slide for you to do independently.
Guided reading:
Today, we are going to read the next chapter of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and it is about a Prince who wants a chocolate palace. During the live lesson, we will read the chapter together and watch a short clip from the film to come up with some ideas about the Prince; what kind of a person is he? What are his likes and dislikes? This means that we are going to be focusing on our inference skills. Just like we did with Charlie, I would like you to fill out the body with things you know about the Prince and things that you can infer on the outside. I have uploaded the pages underneath, along with the video and then I will upload the ideas that we come up with after the live lesson.
Mr Wonka and the Indian Prince;
Inference or Literal;
In writing this week, our genre is a non-chronological report. Today, we are going to be looking at different examples of the genre in order to become familiar with this type of text. By looking at the features, this will help us with our own writing. There are some examples of non-chronological reports with a checklist attached. During the live lesson, we will look through some together and see if we can tick off the checklist. You are then going to continue with this task independently. Whenever you see one of the features, you can tick the box. If you find a feature that isn't on the checklist, add it to the bottom.
Follow the presentation that tells you how chocolate is made and the cycle the chocolate goes through. Then, choose 8 key points and make it into a flow chart diagram of the process of making chocolate.