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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Our Learning - Summer Term

Summer Term


We cannot believe it is the last half term of the year and the last few weeks for our older nursery children.   Our new nursery children are settling well and beginning to love their time at nursery, getting to meet new people, making new friends and have a go at new things, all with the support of our fabulous older children!


This term we  will be talking about Summer, discussing changes to temperatures, weather, and noticing and talking about how this impacts the plants and things around us.   Later in the term we will be  focussing on transition into Reception for our older children  and also practising for our sports day. 


Sharing a Shell

Ten little pirates

Hello Summer

Nursery's Vegetables patch

Mad about minibeasts

Science Fair-parental involvment

Oi Frog!

New Starters

The Little Red Hen