Summer 1
Week 1
This week in maths we will be exploring numbers beyond 10. We are looking at teen numbers 11 to 15, specifically looking at the number pattern of what goes with 10 to make up the teen number. eg 12 is made from 10 and 2.

Week 2
This week in maths we will be exploring numbers beyond 10. We are looking at teen numbers 16 to 20. Again, we will be specifically recapping the number pattern of what goes with 10 to make up the teen number. eg 16 is made from 10 and 6.

Week 3
This week we will be looking at estimation. This is about us making informed guesses as to which container will hold more resources and how many we think could be inside. We will be drawing upon last weeks knowledge of counting beyond 20 to help us.

Week 4
This week we are looking at 2D shapes. We are aiming to be able to identify circles, squares, rectangles, triangles and hexagons. After becoming familiar with the shape names, we have now started to take a closer look at identifying and describing their properties.

Week 5
This week we are looking at subtraction. We now know that subtraction means to take away. We are into our next unit which is first, then, now. We used the number track to see how many we had first, then how many were subtracted and now how many we are left with for our answer. We then challenged ourselves by trying to work out the missing then.

Week 6
This week we are looking at addition. We now know that addition means to add something. We used the first, then now sentence stem to help us verbalise and give us a sentence of order to our addition process. We explored addition using a ten frame and number track which some of us then creating our own addition sums.