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Westwood Primary School home page

Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Hello and welcome to Mulberry's home learning page for the Spring 1 lockdown. I'm so disappointed we only got 1 day together in school before we have had to close again, and I know how excited you all were when we landed in New York on Monday. But, I'm sure you'll be able to carry on finding out lots about America during our home learning over the next half term.


Each day, I will be uploading onto this page a Guided Reading, Maths, Writing and Adventure lesson as well as a video of me reading some of our class novel to you. Please have a go at as much as you can and email all work back to me on


Please also remember to log into our live lessons. They will be on Microsoft Teams and will be:

9.15am - 9.30am - Maths

10.30am - 10.45am - Guided Reading

1pm - 1.15pm - Writing


Whilst working from home, try to keep into a routine as you would in school so you are getting all of the work done, but don't forget to take breaks and exercise as well instead of just sitting looking at a screen all day. 


If you need any help with logging into any of the websites, accessing any of the resources, logging into live lessons or understanding the work, please don't hesitate to contact me or Mrs Wilson using


We know this isn't the start to 2021 we wanted, but we do know that every single one of you is AMAZING and you're all going to SMASH home learning!


We'll see you virtually on Teams soon!
Mr Cooper and Mrs Wilson

Click below to enjoy a story from a virtual library! Thank you to the staff at Parklands Primary School for sharing this virtual library with all schools across Leeds!