Maths No Problem!
Maths No Problem!
Take a look at our maths work. We have been working on place value and how to break numbers down into tens and ones.

We started to look at adding two numbers together. First we used our number lines and counted on the jumps.

We then started to add using our number bond diagrams. We split the number into tens and one and then we added the ones together before adding on the tens.

We then began to add using our base 10. We used a place value chart and looked at how many ones and how many tens we had.

We then started to use column method to add the numbers together.
We have been sharing counters into equal groups this week.

We have used bar modelling to help us work out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.

We looked at the mass of each object using a scale.

We looked at a pictogram and worked with our partner to turn it into a tally chart.