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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Monday 5th July


We are now starting a new chapter and will be looking at positioning and direction. During this lesson, we will be looking at where different objects are in relation to others and how we can explain that using units. 

Guided reading:

You are going to use the gingerbread man template to write down inference and literal statements about Joe from Billionaire Boy. Inference is where you look for statements that might imply something about Joe but the text doesn't directly say it- this would then be literal. 

Writing (Imagineering):

During the live lesson we will go through the slides to discuss why people protest and demonstrate and what the purpose of it is. Look at some of the placards and think about some of the messaging on it – short and simple but big. From our argument last week about hunting being wrong, we are going to protest for the Queen to side with us. You will then create your own placard for a protest which you will recreate at home.