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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Autumn 2

In year 6, the children wrote a very persuasive letter to Boris Johnson, asking him to make pollution a priority as we have seen the detrimental consequences it is having on our world.

In 3/4, the children wrote an advert to persuade people to come to the firework display.

The children in year 3 wrote an advert to persuade people to come see a firework show!

In year 2, the children wrote an advert for a pair of elephant slippers!

Autumn 1

In years 1 and 2, the children wrote an advert to persuade.

In KS1, the children wrote an advert to try and persuade.

In LKS2, the children wrote an advert for a Stone age house, trying to persuade people to buy one!