Friday 15th Jan
Today, we will be recapping some of the things we have learnt this week. Hopefully with more practice multiplying 3-digit numbers, you will all understand the different methods more and be able to pick the quickest and most appropriate one to answer trickier questions. We will go through various examples using different methods during the live lesson and then I am going to write some multiplications down for you to answer independently using your chosen method. Please email me your work so that I can see the progress you are making.
Guided reading:
We are going to be answering some comprehension questions in today's guided reading lesson. In the live lesson, we will go through different types of questions and discuss how we would go about answering them. We will carry out some examples together before you go to do your independent comprehension task about The Iron Man. I would love to see your answers and give feedback about how you answer your comprehension questions so don't forget to send me your work.
This lesson has been cancelled!
Celebration assembly!
This has been cancelled this week but will commence next Friday.
Star of the week- Miss Robertshaw will choose the person who has been trying extra hard all week and has stood out for their outstanding work and attitude in all areas.
The Bug Club Award- this goes to the person who has been reading on bug club and is clearly trying their best with the questions.
Good work- 4 people have the opportunity to get good work as their will be someone chosen for each subject.