Autumn 1- Up, up and away
We have lots of exciting activities planned for our new adventure. We will be learning all about the history of flying. Do you know anything about flying? Can you fly? A long time ago, people thought they could fly if they attached wings to themselves and jumped off something high! Come along on our adventure to see how flying has changed and join us on our trip to the Yorkshire Air Museum to discover flying in the past, present and future.
Adventure Launch
This afternoon, Mrs Thornton came running into class to tell us something had happened on the field. We quickly went out to find a bit of a mess! The children used their detective skills to figure out what had happened, they quickly came to the conclusion that there had been a plane crash!
There was no one there so we had to work out who might have been flying the plane. When we came back into the classroom we had some clues around our room and worked out that the pilots must've been the Wright brothers!

We received a parcel from the Wright brother's containing a kite. They wanted us to have a love of flying just like them. We went up to the field and had great fun learning to fly them.


The children have been learning all about the lives of the Wright Brothers. They learnt about key parts of their lives that inspired them to be so interested in flying all the way up to inventing the first motor powered airplane. We went outside and made a human timeline to help us to remember and visualise the times between each event.
We then created our own timelines. The children remembered the key events in he lives of the Wright Brothers and worked hard.

We then explored planes from the past and planes from today and compared similarities and differences between them. The children came up with some fantastic ideas. Here are some examples below.

In Science our topic is materials. The children have been sent two tasks by Saffy our curriculum character so far...
The first task they had to explore and name different materials. We did this by letting the children find, feel and describe the different materials. The children then learnt the names of the different materials.
Next Saffy asked them to find objects around our school and identify what material they were made from. They then had to think why this material was suitable. The children came up with some fantastic ideas.

We have been looking at seasonal changes in science too. The children went on an Autumn walk. We discussed the weather, the clothes we should wear in this season and compared this season to Summer. The children made some great observations! We then explored with the autumn objects we had found!

In RE, we have been looking at how people celebrate special events and what events are special to different people and religions.
We have been looking at being thankful. The children discussed why we should be thankful. We then created a web of thanks, thanking our friends for different reasons. We then talked about the Jewish celebration, Thanksgiving.

The children were then introduced to the Christian celebration of Harvest. We learnt about why people celebrate Harvest. The children then learnt how the crops grow, are harvested and how they get to the church for the celebration. We looked at what kind of food people donate for Harvest too. We then looked at some fruit and vegetables and created some harvest art work.

We looked at how corn was milled and thought about what we could make from this. We made our own loaf of bread, carefully following the instructions.

Our verdict on the bread was… it was delicious! The children were very impressed.

In Art we have been learning all about Gaudi and been looking at and appreciating his art work.
We then looked at three other artists mosaic work. We then explored creating a mosaic in the same styles.
We looked at mosaic tiles like Gaudi. Ripping like, and overlapping like Eric Carle.

Look at all the fun we had on our trip to the Yorkshire air museum! The children represented the school beautifully.
This week we were focusing on the story, Emma Jane’s Aeroplane. Firstly we used our inferencing skills to predict what was going to happen in the story by looking at the front cover. We then looked through Emma’s suitcase to see what she had packed…

The first city she visits in the story is London. Today our classroom was transformed into London. We visited some key tourist attractions. The children learnt facts about them and completed some writing.

Today we used imagineering to pretend we were on the aeroplane. What could we see out of our windows?

Our story had a lot of rhyming words in. Today we continued a rhyming string and wrote some rhyming words in our books.