Wed 24th Feb
Today we are going to be continuing with adding fractions but looking at a different method. Yesterday, we saw how 2 fractions added together can make more than 1 whole. The method we will be looking at today involves thinking about how many fractions need to be taken from one to the other to make a whole and then how many are left over. This develops on yesterday as we are now working it out in our head. I think you will all do amazing at this.
Guided reading:
Firstly, I would like you to read chapter 1 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. From this, you learn a little bit about the Bucket family. During the live lesson, we will discuss what we know about Mr and Mrs Bucket and what we can infer. I have come up with some statements and we will decide whether they are literal or inference. Then, you will carry out your independent inference task for Charlie Bucket. Draw the outline of a gingerbread man (or use the template) and write any literal statements inside the body and any literal statements outside the body.
We are going to start our invitation with our introduction which explains; who, what, when, where and why the event will happen. The golden tickets don't explain any of this so we need to write a formal invitation to let the candidates know. During the live lesson, we will come up with some adjectives to describe the factory to make it sound more appealing and I would like you to include these within your introduction. There is an example for you.
Go through the powerpoint to look at computer mapping and how it works. Then, following the coordinates in the table, search for those on Google maps and write what landmark is there. Then, use the street view to have a search and explore around the area and see if you notice any similarities and differences to Middleton. The powerpoint also shows you how to use maps but we have done it before so hopefully you should all be fine.