Spring 2
Our science topic for this term is plants. We will be learning the names of the different parts of a plant, what makes them grow and what happens when essential components for growth are taken away.
What are the most important things about plants?
Working in groups we worked out what are the most important things about plants. We were surprised to learn that plants can be used for so many different things. We all agreed that the most important thing about plants is that they give us oxygen, provide food and that they can be used for medicines.
In groups, we planted cress seeds. Each group excluded one element that plants need to grow in order to see whether that would affect their growth. Group one removed light, group 2 removed air, group 3 took away water, group 4 took away soil and group 5 allowed their seeds to have everything it needed. We will monitor and observe our seeds over time, then record our results.
The children have been looking at the different parts of a plant and thinking about their functions. You can see here they have been doing a matching activity where they have matched the pictures to their correct names and functions.
We have then explored the roots of plants in detail. We went outside to collect some plants and look at their roots. We then worked out what the roots were used for based on what we found.
Other topics we have covered
Our topic in Science this term is light. You can see some of the activities we have completed below. These include designing a poster to encourage people to stay safe in the dark and identifying different sources of light.
Here we tested different materials to check if they are transparent, translucent or opaque. We tested this by shining a torch on them to see if a shadow is formed.