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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Welcome to Oak Class!

Welcome to Oak class with Miss Martin and Miss Robertshaw. We have some very exciting adventures ahead of us this year and we can't wait to explore them with you! 

The Celts considered the Oak Tree to be the wisest tree of them all with its towering strength, massive growth and noble presence. I hope this year we can work and grow together to become strong and wise learners as we travel through our adventures together. 


This page will be regularly updated with pictures and work from our class so make sure you check back on our class page to see what we've been up to throughout the year!


Oak Class School Council

Meet Chloe... Our elected school council member. Chloe was chosen by the rest of the class to represent our views on how to make Westwood even more amazing! We voted for her as she gave some fantastic ideas in her speech. We know that if we have any ideas for the school, she'll put them forward in the regular council meetings.