Acceptable Use Policy
At Westwood we value the safety of our children both inside and outside school. As such could you please read through the Acceptable Use Policy and discuss it with your child so that they understand their responsibilities. Please could you then sign and return the Policy. Thanks.
Acceptable Use Policy
- I will take care when using the school IT equipment and use it responsibly
- I will keep my passwords private unless I need to share them with a trusted adult
- I will inform an adult if I see or receive any unpleasant text, images or messages
- I will not interfere with anyone else’s passwords, settings or files on the computer
- I will be careful when downloading material from the internet or using material I have brought into school because I understand the risks from virus infections
- Any work I upload to the internet will be my own
- I know I need permission to take someone’s photograph or to video them
- Any messages I post online or send in an email will be polite and responsible
- I will not send or forward messages or create material which is deliberately intended to upset other people
- I know I must take care about giving away my personal information and making contact with people I do not know when using the internet
- I understand that the school may check my use of IT and contact my parent/carer if they are concerned about my online safety
- I understand that if I do not follow these rules I may not be allowed to use the school computers or access the internet for a period of time and that this may happen even if the activity was done outside school
- I know that I can find information about how to stay safe when using IT, in or outside school, on our school website -
Pupil name ……………………………………………….
Signed …………………………………………………….
Relationship to child ……………………………………..