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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Spring 1

The children have looked at the poem Beowulf. They read the text and did some sequencing work on this. This included putting events in order of occurence, as well as them coming up with their own events for their partner to sequence correctly.

The children have looked at the text ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis Stevenson, where they have done some inference work. At the beginning of the week, they didn’t know what text they would be looking at and had to find clues outside to help them work this out. It was great to see everyone using their detective skills!  

Here is some of the prediction work that has been going on in Reading. The children were looking at the text ‘Journey to the River Sea’ by Eva Ibbotson and completed a variety of activities about the text. This included predicting what happened next in the story and considering the difference between what we know and what we predict.

Autumn 2
In Reading, the children have been looking at a variety of different skills from ‘The Big 10.’ Here is some of their visualisation work they have been doing where they had to use their senses to understand what was going on in the text. They looked at a Mayan text called Middleworld, which is from The Jaguar Stones series.