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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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We can't believe it is nearly Spring 2 already! We had a brilliant half term learning all about dinosaurs and making lots of exciting things and pretending to be explorers.


This half term we are going to be learning all about growing and nature. We will be growing our own plants and seeds and exploring different fruits and vegetables. We are also going to make our own yummy vegetable soup. We are going to read lots of books and practise holding our pencil. And we will get outside more as the weather starts to improve. We cannot wait to see what different things we learn about. 


If you have any questions please do come into the classroom. We are always happy to help!

This week you have read the story, Handa's surprise. You have learnt all about the different way of life in Africa and how they get their food and how hard they have to work for it. You have also tasted lots of different exotic fruits and talked about why you found them tasty or not that nice! 

In Maths, you have learnt about heavy and light. You used weighing scales to measure different fruits but first you made a prediction and guessed which one you thought would be heaviest. You used lots of mathematical language and had brilliant discussions whilst doing this activity.  

You used your fine motor skills this week to have a go at some observational drawings of fruit. You talked about the different colours and sizes of the fruit then chose your favourite one to draw. You had lots of fun and they turned out brilliantly. 

This week it was world book day! All of the teachers dressed up as a character from Elmer and all of the children dressed up as a book character. It was so much fun. We loved being the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Postman Pat and Horrid Henry. We also did lots of fun activities in the classroom related to world book day!
We also made our own Vegetable soup after reading Oliver's Vegetables. We were very careful and cut up the vegetables using a knife. It tasted absolutely delicious!
After reading Oliver's vegetables, we used potatoes and dipped them in paint. We then printed them onto a piece of paper and made a pattern. Some of us did a repeating pattern and chose our favourite colours! We also discovered mini mash on the interactive whiteboard. We all had a go at matching the pairs. It was lots of fun!
This week we have been planting cress using water and cotton wool buds. We talked about the cress and how long it would take to grow. We loved doing this. We then were going to make cress sandwiches but need to let the cress grow first!
We also explored lots of different seeds! We opened up a melon really carefully and talked about the size of the seeds and how we could grow our own melons if we planted the seeds. We loved getting messy and investigating the melon! We also loved our maths lesson this week. We had a plant box full of pretend plants and we picked a number and matched this to the correct amount of plants. We were able to recognise different numbers and count the flowers brilliantly. 
This week it is Science week throughout the school. All of the school have been doing experiments and exciting activities all week. The school invited parents in to see what everyone had been up to and showed them their experiments. The parents loved coming in to see what we'd been doing. We had a go at doing our ice dinosaurs using salt and hot water to melt the ice to let the dinosaurs escape. It was lots of fun. 
Jasper's Beanstalk

This week we read the story Jasper's Beanstalk and listened to what happened. We really enjoyed listening to the story and were able to talk about what might happen next. We based all of our activities on this story.


We first found our name cards and a pencil and wrote our name on a piece of card to label the plants that we planted last week. We held our pencils brilliantly using a tripod grip. Some of us needed a little bit of support. We made marks on the paper and started to form recognisable letters. 

We then had a look in detail at some daffodils and talked about their different parts. We then used either colouring crayons or paint to create our own observational drawing of them. This was so much fun and we had to concentrate loads. The outcomes were brilliant and you can come into our classroom and have a look at them when they are dry!
We went outside to plant seeds and enjoyed digging in the flower beds outside. We also did some maths and ordered beanstalks in height order. We talked about tall and small and used mathematical language. We loved doing this and grew in confidence each time we did it. 

We made a beanstalk using our scissor skills and fine motor skills to cut out the leaves and stalk. We then stuck it together. We also made a junk model beanstalk using tubes and yoghurt pots. 


We then used tissue paper and glue to make a sunflower collage. 

Week 5

At the end of this week is Mother's Day so we made some beautiful cards for our mummies or whoever looks after us. We chose our favourite coloured paper and made a lovely design. We then wrote inside, Happy Mother's Day and the  our name. This helped us to practise our fine motor control and holding a pencil. We hope our Mummies love them!

We then read the story 'The Enormous Turnip.' We loved this story! We practised our fine motor skills again by getting a paper turnip template and threading around the edge with string. This was very tricky but we had a good go. 

We then acted out the story outside in small groups. We got to pretend we were the characters from the story and it was lots of fun. We also loved being outside!