School Council Archive 2022 - 2023
Our School Council members for 2022/23:
Ivy-Willow Glover- peer liaison officer
Jaxton Bull- peer liaison officer
Alva Sylvester- promoting team
Rosie Pape- promoting team
Charlie Norton- promoting team
Lillie Curran- peer liaison officer
Ronnie Eardley- promoting team
Charlie Ellis- peer liaison officer
Amelia Weston- promoting team
Ellie Houlgate- vice-chairperson
Harriet Rooke- vice-chairperson
Chairperson- Miss Robertshaw
- Lead the meetings.
- Check the previous weeks’ minutes and get signed by all members.
- Set agenda for meetings and share with members.
School Council Club!
Wednesday 26th April and every Wednesday for this half-term, we will be holding school council meetings after school until 4:00pm. This means that the meetings can be more scheduled and organised with a new agenda each week.
School Council members!
This year our aim is to raise money for a new fire pit for the school field. This will benefit our school through enhancing our learning and giving us real-life experiences. There will be lots of different fund-raising activities happening throughout the year so we would like to thank you in advance for anything you can contribute!
Christmas Fair- Thursday 8th December!
We can’t wait to see you all!

Sneak Peak!

Sponsored walk!
The school council have decided on our next fundraiser to achieve our goal of a fire pit on the school field. The whole school will be participating in a sponsored walk. Each key stage will walk a different distance based on how far each child would need to walk to get to the hometown of each inspirational person in our house teams.
Nursery/Reception- 5 laps of the school field.
KS1- to Middleton Park gates and back.
LKS2- to Middleton Circus and back.
UKS2- to Middleton Circus, the park gates and back.
Any contribution given will be greatly appreciated. The class who raises the most amount of money will receive a prize! I have attached a sponsor form so that you can get started, good luck!
Sponsored Walk!

Don't forget, our sponsored walks are taking place next week (week commencing 6th Feb) so you must make sure you bring your sponsor forms and money back by Friday 3rd.
Walk timetable:
Nursery (first 1/2)- Monday 6th
Nursery (second 1/2)- Wednesday 8th
Reception- Wednesday 8th
Blossom- Thursday 9th.
Cherry- Thursday 9th.
Chestnut- Tuesday 7th
LKS2- Thursday 9th
UKS2- Friday 10th
Early Years Sponsored Walk!
KS1 Sponsored Walk!
LKS2 Sponsored Walk!
UKS2 Sponsored Walk!
Thank you for your sponsors!
The School Council have decided to have an Easter Egg Hunt! Across Wednesday 29th March and Thursday 30th March, each child will be given the opportunity to take part in the hunt with their parent/carer. This will cost £1.50 per child, and they will receive an Easter prize at the end! You will be given further instructions on the day.
If you would like to participate with your child, you must collect them from their classroom door at the following times:
Wednesday 29th March
Nursery/Reception- 9:15-9:45
Elder/Mulberry- 1:30-2:00
Oak/Rowan- 2:15-2:45
Thursday 30th March
Blossom/Cherry- 9:15-9:45
Sycamore/Willow- 2:00-2:30
Easter Egg Hunt!
A question for the Prime Minister!

The best five questions could be answered by Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. Your video questions could appear on or on social media for public release and online broadcasting.
School Council meeting! (26.4.23)
This week, myself and Ivy-Willow discussed the importance of having peer liaison officers. She gave a lot of really good suggestions on how to keep communication open between us and the rest of the school:
- friendly check-ups with class
- child-led circle time discussion
- pupil voice box in corridor
- therapy dog
I will discuss these suggestions with Miss Dibnah.
The minutes from this meeting will be fed back to the rest of the school council next week.
School Council meeting! (03.05.23)
This week in our school council meeting, we discussed the importance of hooks and mirrors in the school toilet. We feel that it would improve some children's wellbeing, being able to see themselves at certain points throughout the day. This is because they are able to see different emotions on their faces and also for hygiene reasons. The children have been told by some of their peers in their class that they want hooks on the back of the toilet doors so that they can hang their coat up if they go to the toilet at break times. This was fed back to us by the peer liaison officers so we are acting!
We also started designing posters for the school discos!

KS1 Disco- Wednesday 17th May (3:20-4:20)
KS2 Disco- Wednesday 24th May (3:20-4:20)
For £3.50 you get entry, a drink, sweets and a bag of crisps.
Don't forget to come to school in your disco clothes on the day of your disco.
We can't wait to see you!

School Council meeting! (10.05.23)
We now have hooks in the girls toilets across the school as a trial before installing them in the boys toilets. This has come straight from a school council suggestion. You may see our disco posters dotted around the school to remind you all about our discos over the coming weeks so don't forget to take a look.

Disco Time!
As you know, last years 'Break the rules day' was a huge success with all the children and adults so we are going to do it again!
This will take place on Friday 23rd June.
For every rule the children break, they will be fined £1. There are up to 5 rules which can be broken. It is completely up to the children how many rules they wish to break. Which rule will you break?
Crazy hair
Bring juice in your water bottle (no fizzy or energy drinks)
Bring a toy for break time (no electronics)
Bring a snack for break time, eg. crisps, a chocolate bar (no nuts!)
Break the Rules Day!

This year, we have decided to do the Summer Fair a little bit different- we want to run the fair as a family fun day! There will be fun fairground rides, a sizzling bbq, a yummy sweet stall and much more all at unbeatable prices! The fair will take place on the school field on Thursday 29th June and start at 1:00pm-5:00pm. You can collect your child/ren from their classroom at any point and take them to the field for as long as you like to make as many happy memories as possible. If you would like to bring your child back to class and collect at the normal time of 3:20 that is fine but otherwise you can take them home afterwards. We hope you all can make it!
Our newly elected council members for our school year 2021/2022 are:
Blossom: Mason Richards
Cherry: Alva Sylvestre
Chestnut: Blake
Elder: Jai Ryatt
Mulberry: Bethany Auty
Oak: Tilly Iddison
Rowan: Nojus Jurgilas
Sycamore: Harvey, billie-jo
Willow: mbafatou,

The votes are in!

