I will be delivering a live phonics lesson at 10.30 for all children to attend. Please have a pen and paper ready for the spelling part of the session.
Please also complete daily spellings, handwriting and any extra phonics games from the phonics game tab on cherry remote learning page.
This week's spellings:
Please practice spellings at home for a short time each day.
Handwriting practice

The children are continuing to develop their understanding of bar models. The children are all able to put the word problems into number sentences, however the next step is representing this number sentence in a bar model. The part/part/whole diagram is very similar to a bar model as it shows that 2 parts make a whole, use this to help reinforce how the bar model works.
The children need to find the missing number in the bar model where the '?' is.
Bar model explanation

Today we are going to be sending a message in a bottle home to tell our families all about what we found so far on the mysterious Island. You need to include detail about what happened when you arrived (the missing treasure chest), what happened in the Whomping wood and the Lost Lagoon. Don't forget to mention your new friends Peach and the Native American. Your message should include all our basic writing skills of capital letters, full stops and 'and', but I would also like you to include adjectives to add detail to your writing.