Autumn 2 Angels, Magic and Miracles
Angels, Magic and Miracles
This half term we will be going on a magical and miraculous adventure with a clumsy, forgetful little angel named Whoops a Daisy! She really wants her chance to impress the other angels and will do anything it takes. Can we help her become the Christmas Angel? Will she be ready in time for Christmas? Follow our adventure as it unfolds to find out more...
A visitor had been in our classroom over lunch time. Who could it be? The had left us a lot of clues…
Adventure launch!
We discussed who we thought it might've been...
Jessica-"I think it was an alien again, maybe Moz came back!"
Lyra- "There is a lot of glitter, I think it was a fairy!"
Oakley- "A unicorn, lots of glitter!"
KiedeynJames- "A witch because.. Magic!"
Whoops a Daisy Angel story
We received a story! This story told us that it was Whoops a Daisy Angel who had visited. The story had some actions to learn too. We introduced this to the children and they enjoyed starting to learn the actions.
Painting Whoops a Daisy!

From using the description of Whoops a Daisy Angel from the story, the children painted what they thought she looked like.
Angel drawings and labels

The children then drew what they thought Whoops a Daisy looked like and attempted to add labels.
Who left us their dress?

Our writing

Our shopping lists

Walking to the shop to buy ingredients