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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Wellbeing Award


Wellbeing Award


We are so proud to announce that we have achieved the wellbeing award! The whole school has worked so far on gaining the award, well done everyone.


The well being award is split into eight objectives, with evidence being given to support every objective. The objectives are - 


1)To promote and protect well being.

2)To have a clear vision and strategy for promoting mental health.

3) To develop a positive culture within school .

4)To actively promote staff well being. 

5)To prioritise professional learning and staff development.

6)To understand the different types of emotional and mental health.

7)To seek on going participation of the whole community.

8)To work in partnership with other schools. 


Miss Shaw will be leading this award, alongside Miss Brown and Miss Robinson and lots of exciting improvements have already begun taking place in our school. We have our new ‘Westwood Wellbeing Walk-in’ which gives children a calm and relaxing space to work or take some time out. Our new sensory room  which provides children with a safe space filled with a range of sensory equipment such as lights and music.


All classes have also established regular ‘Time to Talk’ sessions which allows a range of topics to be discussed and allows children the time to regularly discuss anything which may be worrying them. Alongside our excellent RSHE curriculum (Relationships, sex and health education), our children also partake in Mind Mate lessons which is an emotional literacy curriculum designed to support class-based discussions and learning about mental health and wellbeing.


We also take pride in our celebration of achievements and aiding the children in also identifying things they should be proud of. We also continue to celebrate in our weekly ‘Good work Assembly’ each Friday where children receive awards for stand out work, British Values, passing their weekly timetable table test and then an overall Star of the Week. We also regularly celebrate and educate the children on important yearly events such as Mental Health Awareness Day, Comic Relief, Children in Need and Cancer Awareness.