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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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On our journey back in time we met Athena (Zeus's daughter) The goddess of reason and intelligent activity, art and literature. She told us all about how the Ancient Greek Empire grew by looking through the timeline of Ancient Greece.


We looked at Ancient Greek pots and how they were made without paint. They used layers of clay to create pictures on the pottery which was then set in a really hot oven. The more layers of clay the darker the pottery went which created silhouettes of black on orange clay. Miss Martin lost the instructions on how to make the clay pots so the children had to write their own set of instructions using different prepositions.

  Finally Athena wanted us to sell our clay pots so we created adverts all around Ancient Greece so that people would come and buy our pots. We made a plan and then wrote them up neatly.



Athena also told us about the story of Medusa and why she was cursed. The children then had to retell the story for our big writing piece. The children used fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and inverted commas to make their writing sound more interesting.


Athena also taught the children about the history of the Olympic games, how they were started and how they have changed over the years. The Olympic games have always taken place every 4 years but in Ancient Greek times only men were allowed to complete.