Thursday 4th February
Maths -
In Maths today we are moving on to a new topic. We are going to be looking at our numbers up to 40. This lesson is all about grouping your tens and counting in your tens. Listen to the ten times table song below to begin with, then try the sheets.
Writing -
We have found out that moles are actually really good at finding things, so we want to invite Morris the mole to come along with us and Peach to try and find the treasure chest. In our invitation today we are going to use 'because'. Remember, we use because when we want to give a reason for something and to connect our sentences.
Things to include in your invitation -
What do we want them to do (come with us on our adventure)
Why do we want them to come with us (because they have such good sense of direction)
Where do we want to meet them
What time
Spellings -
Mental Health Awareness Week -
This week is children's mental health awareness week. Mental health is all about how we feel, may that be good things or bad things. Listen to the video below to find out a little bit more and to see what your task is.
Mental health activities
Story -
Listen to the story below.