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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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RSHE Where is the Dream, Believe, Achieve

RSHE at Westwood

Where is the Dream, Believe, Achieve?


Through our RSHE curriculum we aim to make a positive difference to every child’s life. The curriculum will help them to understand the communities they belong to at Westwood, in the local community and also within in the wider world. It will ensure the children leave Westwood with an understanding of the world around them and that they can make it a better place if they dare to dream, believe and achieve.


Dream: The RSHE curriculum allows the children to dream knowing no boundaries by building upon the successes they experience and by recognising the challenges and boundaries they have overcome. This is possible through the inclusive ethos and the celebration of each child as an individual. The children will be inspired to set goals for the future and to dream it is possible. They will be given the emotional toolkit to be able to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams. Children at Westwood are fostered to develop the child as a whole and are supported so they can become the best version of themselves now and in the future. A strong moral compass is cultivated to ensure children are able to identify what is right or and wrong and how they can follow the best path for their journey at Westwood and beyond. The child’s positive self- image is nurtured so that they are able to positively contribute at Westwood but to also envisage the positive influence they can dream of having in their community and in the wider diverse world when they leave Westwood.


Believe: At Westwood the children are taught to believe in themselves and to be proud of their local community and the wider world. They understand the importance of their actions and the part they play in the diverse wider world. Ways of promoting a positive identity, physical and mental well-being are explicitly taught to ensure children are equipped to face challenges they may encounter at Westwood and beyond. Children will leave Westwood as compassionate individuals with a belief that everyone should be valued and respected therefore preparing them for life in modern Britain. This is supported through the RSHE curriculum and also a celebration of themed days such as anti-bullying week and Hello Yellow Day in support of World Mental Health Day.


Achieve: Through the personalised and tailored RSHE curriculum, children are taught to be responsible, resilient citizens who embrace challenge and feel success. Children are encouraged to have an opinion and are confident to share their views knowing this will be respected and valued. Time to Talk sessions give children the chance to discuss matters that are affecting themselves and their peers directly in an honest and open manner. Memorable learning experiences such as a visit from the local MP, pedestrian training, first aid courses, drug education workshops, drama and discussions allow our children to retain knowledge, apply skills and develop links in their understanding that they can utilise during their time at Westwood and in the future. The children’s achievements small and large are celebrated through assemblies, the Tree of Dreams in each class and on the Westwood Weekly where children receiving a British Value Award are recognised. All this builds upon the children’s understanding that they have achieved great things and will continue to do so when they leave Westwood.