Autumn 2- Zero To Hero
we’ve been writing a setting description of Ancient Greece. Our spag focus was questions, speech and prepositions.
In History, we have been researching different aspects of life in Ancient Greece. We used secondary sources to find the information about education, their diet, clothing and houses.

In Geography, we located Greece using an atlas and answered some questions about the country.
In Computing, we used 2Publish to create an Ancient Greek fact file!

In writing, we wrote an explanation on how to be the perfect Ancient Greek. Our spag focus was commas for a list, bullet point lists and contractions.
In Art, we overlapped coloured paper to create the background of the Parthenon and then used straws to create the structure.

Next, we learned about the legend of the Trojan Horse.
First we researched the story and put the events in order using a storyboard.

In DT, we made our own Trojan Horse! The design brief said it must be able to move and have a door to fit the soldiers inside. The rest was up to us!

We then had a go at writing our own Ancient Greek myths.

In History, we learned all about the Ancient Olympic Games! We used primary and secondary sources to find lots of information.
In Science this week, we’ve been learning about Archimedes principle!

In RE, we've been learning about the Christian belief of incarnation. Afterwards, we thought of ten things we could do to look after our planet.