Trips & Visitors
Leeds Discovery Centre
We were lucky enough to visit the Leeds Discovery Centre this half term as part of our Changes through the Ages Adventure. We were met by Emily who began by making a huge timeline in the corridor. From the position we were in the Discovery Centre and having every 1000 years equally spaced out, we would have had to walk an hour to get back to the beginning of the Stone Age!
We then took part in a variety of different activities. We acted as archeologists and explored some excavation sites thinking about what was there and what it told us. Emily also brought out some real Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age artefacts from the stores and the children got to handle these.
Then for the exciting bit! Emily took us into the storage facility for Leeds Museums which houses over 1 million objects! We really enjoyed looking at lots of the different things in there including a real woolly mammoth tusk!
The children represented Westwood fantastically and were perfectly behaved, even on a very busy Number 12 Bus back to school. Well done Oak Class!

Judo Taster Session
We were lucky enough to be visited by the Hajime Judo Club this week and the children got to try beginner moves in judo. The children were fantastic and really enjoyed the session!
MP Hilary Benn Visits Westwood
As part of our RSHE democracy topic, we were visited by Hilary Benn, the MP for Middleton. Hilary had a tour of Westwood by our amazing school council. He was very impressed with our facilities and the amount of effort that everybody puts into everything in school. He then spoke to the whole of Year 4 about his job and the role of an MP including creating our own mock parliament!

Leeds Playhouse Trip
We had a fantastic time at Leeds Playhouse watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Yorkshire Water RSHE Workshop
We’ve had RSHE visitors this half term including Yorkshire Water to talk about staying safe around water and Leeds Influencing Travel Behaviour Team to talk about road safety.

Sikh Temple Beeston Visit
As part of our RE learning, we visited the Sikh temple in Beeston to find out more about their religion and beliefs.


Skipping Competition Armley
CHAMPIONS! Congratulations to our Year 4 skippers who won the first round! Now onto the final in May!