Wednesday 10th February
Wednesday 10th February
Today, I will be completing the wellbeing calls. Look out for a call from No Caller ID at some point today - I'm looking forward to catching up with those of you I didn't quite get chance to yesterday to see how you all are before half term!
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
Today, we're going to do one of my favourite ever stories - but Roald Dahl has got his hands on it so who knows what this one will be like! We're going to today look at Jack and the Beanstalk and think about some of the common questions you might get asked in a reading test - ones which you guys commonly slip up on when we do reading tests in school. We'll read the poem together on the live lesson and then we'll go through a few of the questions and think about what they mean and where we can get the answers from. You will then need to complete the questions below.
RSHE - YEAR 3 ONLY - anytime
Watch the video below and discuss these questions with someone at home. Write down your answers and think about how the characters might be feeling.
How do you think Wing feels?
Do you think it is unfair how Wing is being treated?
Who is the winner in the end?
What do you think the message is in this story?
RSHE - YEAR 4 ONLY - anytime
Staying safe online. Look through the PowerPoint below to remind you of how to stay safe online and then complete Mrs Oates' competition on Purple Mash. You need to design a leaflet to tell people how to stay safe online.
RSHE - YEAR 4 ONLY - anytime
Please have a look through the PowerPoint below from St John's Ambulance about basic first aid. We'd like you to try some of the techniques on a doll or a teddy bear - try the recovery position, initial assessment and CPR. Send us any pictures!
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
Today we're going to start writing our discussion. Today we need to write our introduction and our first paragraph which will either be for or against the question.
Our questions is: Life is better in the UK than North America. Do you agree? You need to write a balanced discussion showing you have thought about the reasons why life is better in the UK and reasons why life is better in North America, and then make your decision of where you would like to live. We need to see lots of lovely conjunctions which show you are thinking carefully and explaining your arguments.
Some conjunctions you could use are:
because of this
on the other hand
as a result of this
The first task is to look at my example introduction below and use this to write your introduction. Make it similar to mine - remember it just needs to tell the reader what the text is going to be about - just 3/4 sentences will be enough.
Then, have a go at the SPAG activity below where you will need to write some sentences as to why life is better in the UK using the conjunctions in the box and the pictures to help you - these sentences can then be put straight in your discussion.
I'd then like you to write the paragraph which says why life is better in the UK. Aim for 3 or 4 points and make sure you explain them in detail.
Again, look at my example below to give you some ideas and then have a go at writing the FOR side of your discussion.
Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
Today we're going to look at a different type of bar model where we need to really carefully unpick the problem. We'll do lots together on the live lesson and there is another example below for you to watch back or if you missed the live lesson. Then, have a go at the workbook pages below and the times table test - set yourself a timer for 5 minutes and see how many you can get right. Either send it to me to be marked or ask someone at home to check it for you!