Autumn 1 - You, Me and Everybody!
My First Day in Reception
New friends and exploring the classroom
Week 1: You, Me and Everybody!
This half terms adventure the children will be helping a little alien understand more about humans! The children will name and label the parts of the body, describe where they live and know more about their local area as well as understand the importance of living a healthy active life.
Drawing myself!
This weeks learning challenge is to find our what makes us unique! The children have talked about what being unique means and what makes us similar or different too each other. We have draw ourselves to show these similarities and differences. We have used our developing pencil control to enclose shapes to represent different parts of our face. We verbally labelled our faces and some children even attempted to write their own name!
Moz the alien has crashed landed on our planet and left a strange trail of slime across our playground. We followed the slime and found that he is hiding somewhere is our classroom. He left us a message telling us that he doesn't know where he is or who all of the strange looking creatures are. We had to explain to him that we are humans and we are all unique. To show this, we did a drawing, painting and playdough of our faces. Hopefully Moz will feel more comfortable about being different himself.
Moz the alien!
Week 2 - Our families
This week we had a huge surprise when Moz had left us his family photo album in the sand pit! We looked through it and saw his aunties, uncles, mum and dad. We talked about our families and who we live with. We then drew pictures of our families in our books. Some of us even used our new letter sounds to label our drawings.
Moz the aliens photo album
Our first PE lesson
We have all really enjoyed our first PE lesson in the hall. We played a game which involved lots of running around and following instructions.
The children have been thinking about how they have changed over time. We spoke about how they have changed from being a baby with no hair or teeth and how they are now bigger and taller. We then discussed what happens when you become old- you get grey hair and wrinkles. The children drew themselves as a baby and what they think they might look like when they are old.
Week 3 - our homes
This week Moz wanted to know where we live, he told us he lives on a planet called Jupiter. We wanted to show him where we live and what our houses look like. We went on a local walk to take photos of the various homes in our neighbourhood. The children noticed numbers on doors, windows, roofs and garages, we also wanted to show Moz the shop, pub and take away shop.
Democracy - British Value

We have been talking about our British Values this week and focused on Democracy and what it means. The children were told that we live in a country that allows choice. Therefore we live in a fair world. The children then demonstrated this by having a vote for the story we would listen too.
UW - map skills
Week 4- healthy eating.
The children were given an aerial map of the school. We looked at it carefully and thought about what we thought the different features were on the map. We thought the grey lines might be paths and the big grey area was the school roof. We then took the map outside and stopped in various places so we could talk about what we could see and compare it to the map. The children could find trees, field, building, car park, play ground and the school pond. They all absolutely loved using the map.
Autumn Mindfulness Walk
Using our map skills in Middleton Park
We used our newly acquired map skills to locate features such as pond, road, path and play park in Middleton Park. The children were fantastic at walking there and back and were incredibly sensible.
Drawing a tasty snack for Moz
We found out that apples were Moz's favourite food so after using our maps to find the apple tree we decided to make him a tasty snack using the apples. Some of us chose apple crumble, some chose apple cake and others chose toffee apples. We drew our design and used our phonics to label it.
Diwali - the Hindu festival of light
We have listened to the story of Rama and Sita and learnt about the importance of Diwali to Hindu families. We talked about things we celebrate and related a lot of the Diwali celebrations to Bonfire night!
"I watch fireworks on Bonfire night."- Myla
"Rama was so sad that his wife was taken by the evil man." - Evelyn
"We all eat a big meal at Christmas time." - Darcie