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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Writing to inform


Nursery - Letter - Santa visited and brought a gift of a book about writing letters to Santa. Wrote items in their letters using initial sounds.

Reception - List writing - Visited ASDA with shopping lists written for items to make a cake for Whoopsie Daisy Angel.

Key Stage One - Recount - The toys in the adventure (children) did a dance battle. Then wrote recounts of the battle they had.

Lower Key Stage Two - Letter - Imagineered and followed clues to find a letter from Hercules. Wrote a reply using conjunctions or question marks.

Lower Key Stage Two - Diary - Outdoor learning and imagineering a dig to uncover clues. Wrote a diary of events using past tense correctly and fronted adverbials.

Lower Key Stage Two - Outdoor learning and imagineering being in a Trojan Horse. Wrote a diary using fronted adverbials to move on the action.

Upper Key Stage Two - Report - Active learning and imagineering of a set of WW2 shop. Wrote a report about rationing using colons and relative clauses.

Upper Key Stage Two - Letter - Teacher in role as an evacuee. Active learning investigating the items they would have packed. Imagineering the train journey and writing a letter home using colons and semi colons and description of settings and characters.

Upper Key Stage Two - Instructions - Practical lesson making mince pies for the Christmas Concert. Instructional writing atterwards using modal verbs and adverbials.